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My Granparents lived up on Sueno Camino. Tim ("Lefty") and Wilma Miles. Granpa built his house there in 1942, with help from his two young sons (my Dad & Uncle) ... and years later retired from the SFFD and moved there full time in the mid 1960s. "Lefty" was a great mechanic and could fix anything. he had every tool ever needed. he used to fix all the locals' cars right there at his house. He was always there to help the townfolk. I spent all my Summers as a child there. Hiking, swimming, crawdad fishin', sat at the bar at APPLEJACKS and had my Roy Rogers! Went to outdoor mass EVERY Sunday with Wilma. La Honda was a hidden jewel. A secret of sorts. Yes the Hells Angels were in and out, but the place was Paradise to me and my siblings, and the friends I brought there for 2 or 3 weeks at a time from San Rafael to stay with my Grandparents. Old Tony and Betty Klein (the German couple)... so many nice folks. The swings, the clubhouse,feeding the ducks... thankful for La Honda and for having Grandparents that gave so much so that we could have a happy, fun-filled childhood. Luv you Wilma & Lefty! - Little Timmy

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