Attached is the La Honda Voice for August 11.
In it is:
County Supervisors to Consider Steep Slope Ordinance (Page 1)
Note: It will be discussed on August 15 in Redwood City
Vegetation Reduction Program (Page 1)
Note: It is happening in town on August 14
Possible Logging at Jones Gulch (Page 1)
Book on La Honda (Page 1)
Bob Dougherty is looking for photos(call him at 747.0102)
Thefts and Vandalism (Page 2)
Public not Prepared for disasters (Page 2)
Faire, Picnic and Rodeo Successes (Page 3)
Destructive Fires in our Region (Page 4)
Wildland Fire at Log Cabin Ranch (Page 4)
Defensible Space Regulations (Page 4)
Defibrillator Save Man (Page 4)
Concern about Herbicide Spraying (Page 5)
Third Annual La Ducati Day (Page 5)
Recent Busts (Page 6)
Misc and Historical (Page 6)
...and a Fire brigade Flea Market/Open House/Ice cream Social on August 13
Download _TheLaHondaVoice_11Aug06.pdf