By Mark Abramson, San Mateo Daily News
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"Panoramic ocean views and sweeping vistas of forested ridges at the Driscoll Ranch are one step closer to being open for the public to enjoy.
The Peninsula Open Space Trust has announced that it transferred the 3,681-acre ranch to the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. The trust bought the land outside the town of La Honda from the Driscoll family for $21 million in 2002 and paid the family over a three-year period, according to a press release.
Public funding from the California Coastal Conservancy and donations allowed the trust to transfer the land to the district earlier this month for a reduced price of $9 million, the release stated. The trust raised $6 million from its donors and the California Coastal Conservancy contributed another $6 million to transfer the land.
The 5.75-square-mile property along Highway 84 has been in the Driscoll family for three decades and it is one of the largest private tracts of undeveloped land on the Peninsula...
...The property is the biggest piece of land the trust has acquired for public use, according to the open space district. Its possible uses include horseback riding, mountain biking and hiking. And the land is home to animals, such as coyotes, mountain lions, domesticated horses and cattle and the threatened California tiger salamander and California red-legged frog...
The district plans to combine the ranch with the adjacent La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve to the north and create a preserve that spans 5,759 acres..."