By Heather McAvoy, Clerk, Board of Trustees of LHPUSD
One of the unique and wonderful qualities of our local public schools is the outstanding commitment that our community members apply to the support of our educational programs. Many families volunteer in the classroom, help at school work days, assist with fundraisers, plan field trips, and in many creative ways provide supplemental educational opportunities and educational funding to our students. There are also many volunteers who take on leadership roles in organizations which support community children such as the La Honda Educational Foundation, the Pescadero Education Foundation, Pescadero PTA, Viking Boosters, Puente de la Costa Sur, TomKat Foundation and South Coast Children’s Services.
The LHPUSD Board of Trustees is a group of 5 citizens living within the boundaries of LHPUSD who through election and/or appointment, make up the governing board of the school district. The current trustees are Board President, Andy Wilson of Pescadero, Board Clerk Heather McAvoy of La Honda, Kathy Crane, of La Honda, Andy Lagow, of Loma Mar, and Connie Sarabia of Pescadero.
There are three seats up for election on the LHPUSD board on the November ballot. The deadline to file is August 6 for incumbents and August 11 for non-incumbents. Having served for nearly 4 -1/2 years, I have decided to turn my focus to other activities and will not be running for re-election. Please see for details on how to file to run for the school board. The Board of Trustees of LHPUSD is as local as local government gets around here and I urge you, if you are dedicated to high quality public education in our community and willing to take on the responsibilities and time commitment, to consider throwing your hat into the ring.
LHPUSD has 2 standing Citizen’s Oversight committees, appointed by the Board of Trustees. These committees need members. They are:
Bond Measure Oversight Committee: This committee is mandated by Prop. 39 to review District expenditures of Measure I bond funds and issue an annual report to the Board and the community. The current chair of this committee is Warren Wolfeld, of Pescadero. Committee members through 7/31/10 are Angus Blackman of La Honda, Web Barton and Paul Ferro of Pescadero and David Schorr of Half Moon Bay. The next meeting of the BMOC is August 31, 7:00 P.M. in the Back Room at Duarte’s. All of the BMOC meetings are public meetings, and anyone interested in consideration for appointment to this committee is especially encouraged to attend. The BMOC has completed the 2009 Final Report, which will be presented during the LHPUSD regular board meeting, which will be held on August 12 at 7:00 P.M. in the District Board Room in Pescadero.
Parcel Tax Oversight Committee: This committee is tasked with annual review of District expenditures of Measure B parcel tax funds and to issue an annual report to the Board and community. The current chair of this committee is Peter Bohacek of La Honda. The additional committee members are Mark Graff and Jean Graham of La Honda and Chris Brancart and Gael Solos of Pescadero.
Both of these committees need members, but the urgency is greater for the Bond Measure Oversight Committee, as we have difficulty in our sparsely populated district in maintaining the mandated full committee of 7 members. Please contact Superintendent Amy Wooliever at the LHPUSD District Office at 879-0286 to express interest in joining either committee.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve this community for these past 4+ years. It has been a challenging, but rewarding experience and I am grateful for your support. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at [email protected].