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March 27, 2014


Laura Torresan

I thought I might add that Mary Lynn recruited a recent La Honda Elementary School graduate, my son Mario Torresan (now in 9th Grade at Pescadero High School), as the drummer to collaborate with herself, Dan, Rob, and Bob for the upcoming Midsummer Night's Dream musical production. I am happy to say that Mary Lynn has put together a dynamic, talented group of local musicians, and I am so excited to see the shows!
Mary Lynn had also recruited Mario, with Bob Deacon on guitar, for the Pescadero Elementary's Choral Holiday Performance in Dec. 2012. Mario and Bob helped the kids rock out to "California Dreamin'" and Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody."
Please come to Midsummer Night's Dream May 22nd and 23rd, at La Honda Elementary!

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