Sound guy Bo Putnam closing out 2016 LHF with Gary Gates Band
by craig eddy
After just spending six days at the Strawberry Music Festival I am definitely in the festival frame of mind. Traditionally the Memorial day weekend is the kickoff of festival season. Next on my agenda is my favorite festival of all, The La Honda Craft Fair and Music festival June 17-18. As far as festivals go, the La Honda Fair is tiny but of the highest quality. Most bands featured are local or have a local connection. La Honda also has many artists and craftspeople that show their work at the Fair. Whether a small one day or a weeklong festival, festivals bring together people with similar tastes to mingle and enjoy some time together. This year there are some new bands joining some of the local iconic bands to celebrate Fathers Day weekend. Coast Tribe, Sumer, and Collective Movement will be performing for the first time although there might be some familiar faces in one of those bands.
This year Puente will be sponsoring a Friday night fair weekend kickoff on the Café patio featuring the music of Pathetic Honey. A lasagna dinner will be available starting around 7pm. If you are out of town on Sunday for Father’s Day then come on down Friday evening and help kick off the best La Honda weekend of the year. Pathetic Honey is going to do their best to turn the patio into a dance hall so put on your dance shoes and come on down. Thanks to Charlie Catania for making this weekend what it is as he donates the location every year. Also big thanks to Paula Dennis the festival coordinator who makes it all come together.
La Honda Fair Music 2017
Sat Sun
11-12:00 TBA Shea Nolan
12:15-1:15 Sumer Undergods
1:30-2:30 John Henry’s Farm Bundy Browne Band
2:45-3:45 Collective Movement Jack and the Hitchhikers
4:00-5:00 This Way Up Coast Tribe
5:15-6:15 Zanzibar Gary Gates Band