Domenico Wesley Tognetti
March 9, 1917 – April 17, 2010
“Wesley Tognetti passed away peacefully at the age of 93. … He was active in the formation of the La Honda Volunteer Fire Brigade and acted as their first captain. He was also chairman of the La Honda Junior Rodeo and participated in other early La Honda Day activities.” This obituary was posted in the HMB Review ,
Wes also ran the oil wells in the La Honda area for many years.
Paddy Colgan's Obituary and Memorial Shin-Dig
A potluck celebration of his life will be held on June 5, 2010 at La Honda Gardens.
Paddy Colgan
“It is a potluck, so bring something good to share. Some vegetarian dishes might be nice, … BYOB, and Bring Your Own Plates/Cups/Forks Etc.…Please bring photos, we will have a computer slide show as well as a place to hang up any pictures you might want to share. We will have a scanner on-site for people to copy ones they like to take home…We are inviting people to say a few words if they are so moved. If think you might be interested in saying something please let me know so we can make plans.” for reservation information go to the La Honda message board: