Emergency Preparedness in La Honda
After Katrina and Rita, we must ask ourselves, "Are We Prepared?"
1. Thoughts on Emergency Scenarios
2. La Honda Neighborhood Emergency Services Team (NEST)
3. La Honda Fire & Katrina
4. NEST versus CERT
5. Animals in Disaster Group
Emergency Preparedness
1. Thoughts on Emergency Scenarios
"We have 4 serious scenarios to consider, to my thinking. 1. Earthquake of course, with road closure and power loss. 2. Rain induced slides and flooding, with road closure and power loss. 3. Wildfire. 4. Windstorms that close roads & cut power. One question that comes to mind is if there is any back up power for the water filtration system. We have good gravity feed, but I believe we need a power source to maintain water quality. Locals with wells would need gasoline generators to power their pumps. With no gas station in town, having a reasonable reserve of fuel would be an important consideration. Another question would be back-up communications if cable and phone lines are interrupted. Does the firehouse have independent radio capability? (I expect they do, but I don't know) If the town were isolated for an extended period, who beyond the volunteer fire department would be able to treat medical emergencies? In case of a local wildfire, who would determine and mark the safe escape routes? It is good to consider such things and have a plan. We can see it wasn't done well enough in New Orleans, for a predicted situation. And does Sheriff Shrom have enough deputies? We don't want looting down at the store." thoughts from ilaya_tom (message # 8184)
2. La Honda Neighborhood Emergency Services Team (NEST)
"[The] La Honda Fire Brigade hosts the La Honda NEST Website at: It will give you information and links on what had been pre-planned when we left (about 2 years ago). I don't have any information about updates. Anyone on the Fire Brigade or the Board of Directors should be able to point you to the current NEST director." From Jan Haverty (message # 8188) http://www.lahondafire.org/nest/Index.htm
3. La Honda Fire & Katrina "To date Hurricane Katrina is by far one of the greatest natural disasters to ever hit this nation. Prior to Hurricane Katrina FEMA's top three predictions were for a major hurricane hitting the Gulf Region, a major earthquake to occur the west coast and a second terrorist attack. Are you prepared when the next disaster strikes here? The next major earthquake that hits the Bay Area will not give us the warning that the populations of the South enjoyed.
LH Fire Brigade Annual cake BreakPanfast [email protected]
"The La Honda Fire Brigade is having it's annual pancake breakfast on Sunday , October 16. I am putting this out on our local groups now because I am looking for ways to reach people over the hill who go to the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival that weekend. Are any of you familiar with the newspapers or ways to advertise our pancake breakfast? If you have any suggestions for me please email me at . Thanks, Sandi." From S Ruiz-Poss (message # 8287)
One of Katrina's early lessons is that even with warning national assistance takes time to mobilize and move. Do you have at least three days of food and water for your entire family? That's the recommendation for suburban areas; you should have even more here. Do you know where to go to seek help when the telephone system fails? Does anyone in your family have basic first aid skills or know CPR? September is National Preparedness Month and right now is time to start thinking about these important questions. Educate yourself. The Red Cross's http://www.bayarea-redcross.org and FEMA;s http://www.fema.gov/preparedness.gov are both great sites… …Consider helping prepare your neighborhood for an emergency by becoming a member of the South Coast Community Emergency Response Team, CERT. Team members receive emergency service training and learn how to help take care of their neighbors and family when a disaster strikes. For more information see http://www.lahondafire.org Support your La Honda Fire Brigade. Membership money helps strengthen our capability to respond to all types of emergencies throughout the South Coast. You'll agree if you have an emergency that it's the best $60.00 you will have ever spent. Membership forms are also available at http://www.lahondafire.org"… From Larry Whitney (message #8189)
4. NEST versus CERT
"Indeed NEST does still exist although not very active. More emphasis has been placed lately on getting local CERT (community emergency response teams) groups up and running. CERT members have basic training in areas of emergency response following as federal standard. I'd like to get more NEST folks interested in this program but currently only 2 or 3 have done the training"…From Joseph Kral (message #8190)
5. Animals in Disaster Group
"There's another emergency group in the La Honda area – Animals in Disaster. We're a volunteer group formed to help keep San Mateo coast-side animals safe by preparing for, and responding to, local disasters. Remember that disaster preparedness should extend to animals that depend on you for their needs. Here are two things you can do now to prepare: 1) Create a portable disaster supply kit including supplies for your animals. This kit can be used as emergency supplies if you have to shelter-in-place at home, or in case of evacuation. 2) Arrange a buddy system with neighbors to provide for the needs of your pet in case you can not get home in a disaster. Your "buddies" should know your animals, how to care for them, and where the supplies are kept (including any meds your animals need.) … Or feel free to contact us for more information on how to be better prepared for yourself and your animals. We are always looking for volunteers; let us know if you have skills to offer, would like to train as a shelter volunteer, or can help in other ways. Donations gratefully accepted…"From Lisa Lee (message #8206)